
mardi 27 décembre 2016

Docker : how to create Wildfly and MySQL in the same server

Introduction :

I continue with the exploration of the docker world. After wildfly container creation, i will add a MySQL RDMBS, for this you have the choice between the creation of two Dockerfile document and execute the build and the run of servers, or, write in once only one document and specify the environnement document in the whole.

Let's code now the first choice :

the Dockerfile for Wildfly  

The wildfly dockerfile file mentions several other files such as standalone-mjhazbri.xml and module-mysql.xm. The file start-wildfly.sh will be used to start the server wildfly :

The Dockerfile of MySQL : 

The MySQL dockerfile file mentions several other files such as my.cnf and run.sh :

the second choice will be explained in other article.

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